2022-07-22 10:18:40

What industries and products are magnetic polishing machines suitable for and what are their functio


1. Remove raw edge of metal workpiece to achieve precision grinding effect

2. Remove the oxide layer of oxide film on the surface of metal workpiece.

3. Remove the oil stain and grease on the workpiece surface, and polish the surface of the finished workpiece

4. Remove the corrosion on the surface of metal workpiece

5. Remove the sinter marks, blackening and other parts on the workpiece surface that affect the appearance of the product.

6. Grinding and cleaning work in the gold jewelry industry

What industries and products are magnetic polishing machines suitable for and what are their functio(图1)

Products suitable for the industry:

1. Precision metal stamping parts

2. Stainless steel parts, 304 stainless steel screws and nuts.

3. Magnesium aluminum die casting

4. Zinc-aluminum die casting

5. Precision spring, shrapnel parts

6. Electronic, computer, communication components

7. Moving core, moving knife, CNC automatic lathe parts

8. Aerospace, medical instrument parts

下一篇:What should be paid attention to in the use of magnetic abrasive machine