2022-04-16 14:36:57

Daily maintenance of magnetic polishing machine:


Magnetic polishing machine, in the process of use may encounter some small problems, if not very familiar with the people, it is difficult to find the problem, then take up production time, and even cause unnecessary waste, the following summary of some of your common problems:

Self-service troubleshooting

1. Take out the leaking polishing bucket and the needle-polishing pliers at the bottom, and add glue

2. The timer does not blink, and a switch is not pressed to start the timer table.

3. When the barrel overheats (normal temperature range is 50℃), please replace the polishing water.

4, indicates normal, but the machine can not work normally, check whether the voltage is lower than 220V; The position of polishing needle is too high.

Daily maintenance of magnetic polishing machine:(图1)

Daily maintenance of magnetic polishing machine:

1. The polishing liquid splashed on the machine should be wiped quickly to avoid damage to the liquid surface of the machine.

2. Wipe the surface of the machine with a cloth

3. Do not use plastic bags on the cover of the control panel to prevent dust and pollution.

Step 4 Put in buckets and polishing cans. If polished, clean promptly.

下一篇:What is the principle of magnetic polishing machine